Can I Ship Beef Jerky Overseas

TIL It's illegal to ship meat out of the USA so no jerky for you, boo

Sharing info to save anyone else the trouble I went through at the post office today. Shipping a package out, and the clerk informed me no meat leaves the country like this so I had to rip the package open, remove the jerky, repackage and relabel.

Are there any other food items that can't be shipped out or accepted in your country?

Edit: So I learned that JERKY IS OK - the postal clerk I got today seemed to not understand this! Per

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level 1

· 2 yr. ago · edited 2 yr. ago 3 Exchanges | AK-47

The key is not telling the USPS people the exact contents of your package. I have sent Jerky out over 20 times. I have even had customs agents open my package and went through WITH the Jerky and let it into the destination countries. Meat & fruits are not allowed to be shipped UNLESS it's pre-packaged. Most USPS employees do not understand the rules.

level 2

Seconded. I used to ship T-shirts for my job and packed little freebies along with them, including little matchbooks with our company name on them. I didn't realize that matches are illegal to ship, and the post office workers SAW me packing dozens of them, but no one ever stopped me.

level 2

I had sent jerky out before with no issues.

Today, it was because I wrote on the required shipping form for the contents that jerky was in there.

level 2

I buy jerky from usa all the time. Best jerky comes from usa.

level 2

I'm not in US... but are these just USPS rules (rather than 'law')? i.e. can you not just ship with a courier like FedEx and it be fine?

level 2

The clerk read "jerky" on the shipping label where one has to list the contents. I tried to list "snacks" before and some clerks are ok with that but others want specifics so to save hassle, I itemize it all now.

level 1

in 2005 I was flying from Los Angeles to Sydney and I had brought the 50pk of mini slim jims (I was 16 at the time and the slims were life) I remember reporting them on my customs card and being told that I couldn't bring them into Australia (or maybe they couldn't leave the USA? idk). That was the largest amount of slim jims I've ever eaten in my whole life. I did not succeed in devouring all 50, but I did my best

level 2

You probably could've eaten them on the plane ride. 😂 I think technically you're not allowed to bring it IN to another country, but you have hours before you get there. 😉

level 2

This sounds like a story you could email to Slim Jim's and they would send you free ones. If they could. (Sigh.)

level 1

Like others have said, according to the USPS guidelines you can't ship anything that could go bad while the package is in transit, ie milk, fresh fruits, etc. Jerky should not be a problem.

level 1

I've shipped jerky in the past without issue, sounds like you may have gotten someone having a bad day or someone new.

level 1

As a postal clerk just want to let everyone know that each country also has their own regulations for what can be allowed sent into their country. Sometimes I just read them for fun when I'm bored and I remember one country (I think it was in africa) didnt allow chocolate!!

level 2

Yeah! Italy is also quite restrictive. It didn't occur to me that a pantry food item could be prohibited though. I'm going to read these per country before shop next time.

level 1

Does that included packaged sausages?

level 2

Hey I edited my post, as it seems I got a clerk today that doesn't understand jerky is OK. It's PERISHABLE food that can't be shipped. See link for details.

If you get a clerk like I did today, ask for a supervisor.

level 1

Probably due to BSE/TSE risks associated with certain animals. But, like you said, doesn't include jerky.

level 1

I shipped out several slim jims last week and received some dried meat today. The key is to make sure you put it as miscellaneous snacks or something like that.

level 2

TIL Slim Jim's aren't out of business.

level 1

Yup. We spent around $70 sending dozens of curry back to a friend in the states and was confiscated.


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