Elite Dangerous How to Get Founders World Permit Easy
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What have you been up to in Elite?
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I honestly don't remember. It doesn't show up on the map either since the main star is a normal one. I'll try to figure it out though.
ed: wow that was easy. Just filtered by "visited" stars and it was the nearest one with a 200LY gap on that trail of breadcrumbs leading from that area.
HIP 20702
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if you self-destruct, dont you loose all your exportation data?
Nice find, I havnt seen two neutron stars side-by-side. I have seen some rather crazy ones, like this one;
I did also thought this one was rather nice;
So far I havnt needed a AFM when exploring, but I guess its good to take one just in-case. As you found out
Yeah you do lose any data stored on your ship.
Wow I really like that last pic. Nice job on that screenie. Yeah I've never needed an AFM before either lol.
I did it!
Well yeah it was from passenger missions but since starting the game at release (Dec 6, 2014) I feel like I earned it. Got that Founders World permit as well so... yeah. Finally.
Please insert pizza!
Well yeah it was from passenger missions but since starting the game at release (Dec 6, 2014) I feel like I earned it. Got that Founders World permit as well so... yeah. Finally.
- Sinxar
A big congratulations on the title. Not to steal your thunder but just hit triple-elite and 2 billion worth of assets. Ill post a video tomorrow on it. I did it the same way - with passenger missions.
btw, welcome to founders world.
Nice one dude, triple elite! That is quite an accomplishment. Congratulations!
I never knew what I was missing, Jameson Memorial is the best!
Oh yeah and since facebook is the worst, I'll just answer your question here.
hi there. I wanted to ask if you guys would use black-market data for Elite? as im thinking about adding support for it, but unsure whether it would be useful. many thanks.
- Roguey
That would be nice info to have if it is easy to add it. It hurts to find a blackmarket manually. I think eddb has this functionality but honestly i've only ever used it maybe twice ever. It is just one of those quality of life things to be able to easily search where the closest one is.
What kind of ship do you use for the passengers missions ? How much jump range ? Engineered ?
Gratz both of you for your Elites, I feel so late when I see your ranks ... and BALANCE OMG HOW ?
Black-market data
What kind of ship do you use for the passengers missions ? How much jump range ? Engineered?
- Oxidire
I used a Python with 3x C6 first class cabins and the smallest shield that works and the most lightweight mods possible except for FSD obviously. I even put some undersized modules on it. The FSD on my Python only has a grade 4 range increase. Those cabins weight a lot so IIRC it is something around 27LY range.
I start mine in Wu Guinagi at Ziegel Dock. Since I am allied with the minor factions there, it is common to get high paying sightseeing missions. I don't accept them unless they pay at least 8 million per round trip. The last run though I had three of them that paid 12 mil, 19 mil, 16 mil. It does take a while to do them though, usually about an hour or two depending if you plan the route. Still though that is 47 mil for like two hours work.
If you do it, just pay attention. You want the Sightseeing missions. The wanted passengers haven't been a problem yet. The secretive ones can be a pain though, sometimes they flip their wig if you get scanned and the mission fails. My first Elite isn't really an accomplishment, if anything it may be considered an exploit. I went from Trailblazer to Elite in one run.
I just looked up the pilot ranks and it seems I am closer to elite in trading than I thought. I am at Tycoon and next is Elite. I didn't even realise it. No wonder it is moving so slowly.
For now I got the Clipper out of the shop and using it to do the new CGs. Right now I'm doing the Valentine's Day one with the rares. I might bring the Cutter over to do the other one. The Robotics make 2k profit per ton I read so that will make some money and trade rank for sure.
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What kind of ship do you use for the passengers missions ? How much jump range ? Engineered ?
- Oxidire
Myself, I was doing them in a Anaconda with around 50ly (with cabins installed). My L5 mod isnt the best, I thought id try to get a better one and end-up getting a worse one. I need to get materials to retry.
Passengers who dont want scanning is a real problem at Founders worlds, nearly every time I get scanned when landing/launching. I heard scan detected way too many times. Maybe I should of chosen another place to get passenger missions.
Gratz both of you for your Elites, I feel so late when I see your ranks ... and BALANCE OMG HOW ?
- Oxidire
Just takes time, you do have to earn a lot of money to get those Elite titles. A billion was required for the trade one. I am not sure if you can passenger missions for trade rank? hard for me to test.
Thanks for the advice
I don't really know where you can find the mats for VD CG, I'll look into it.
What are you referring to by Founders worlds ? Is that the Bubble ?
Passenger missions give explorer rank xp, just got into pioneer with few missions
I don't really know where you can find the mats for VD CG, I'll look into it.
- Oxidire
From INARA: http://inara.cz/galaxy-communitygoals
•Thrutis Cream: Kingsbury Dock in Thrutis (Orbis starport, 291 Ls from the main star) - max allocation 18t
•Deuringas Truffles: Shukor Hub in Deuringas (Coriolis starport, 802 Ls from the main star) - max allocation 7t
•Esuseku Caviar: Savinykh Orbital in Esuseku (Coriolis starport, 2,393 Ls from the main star) - max allocation 11t
Right now not many people are doing it. I am well into the top 5 commanders so far. I expect that to change but its a good time to get started.
What are you referring to by Founders worlds ? Is that the Bubble ?
- Oxidire
Founders World is the the general term referring to Shinrarta Dezhra. Founders World itself is an earth-like planet orbited by Jameson Memorial. This station has all ships and modules for sale at a 10% discount.
It is called Founders World because it is only accessible by the game founders - the people who backed the game on Kickstarter and people who have obtained Elite in any profession to make it more fair.
Well thanks again for all of these clarifications !
I'll be going onto the CG all along the week-end to help tier-up
It won't be much all alone, but that's the goal, that the community works together !
Got interdicted today in my Cutter by a group of three elite NPC anacondas. I have never seen that group before they were quite strong... but they died anyway. I was surprised at their use of shield cell banks, quite well timed if I must say so myself. Gawd I love the Cutter. The biggest complaint I see is how drifty it is. IMO that is one of the good points in combat. It allows for some crazy maneuvers for a ship that large.
I upgraded the shields from 8C bi-weave to just 8A and added another booster (thermal resist added to shields and heavy duty on boosters). I was using the bi-weave due to power issues (I am using an undersized power plant). I got a good roll on the 7A PP today and have enough power to run everything at once with 8A shield, boosters and a 8A shield cell bank. Not happy with the power drain of my weapons though. Even with full pips to weapons it drains quickly, that is with a weapon focused distributor. The DPS is great though but not sure sacrificing so much defense is worth it especially when I do things like carry a load of gold into a haz rez.
I got two pulse and three burst turrets (overcharged I think for more damage) with a huge gimballed multicannon and size 3 gimballed multicannon on top. The huge multi has the effect of making the target take more damage from all sources.
When NPCs block the mailslot when I am undocking:
So yeah, still having tons of fun with the Cutter!
Makes me wonder how good the Corvette is. I don't want to do it but I might have to rank up for one of those too.
If you are wondering what happens when you bring gold to a haz rez...
Thanks to your passenger method I was able to get a large amount of credits and pass my exploration rank to ELITE
Elite combat-ranked NPC use their shield cell like no one, moreover they often have engineered modules
Even with efficient I don't have enough power to get a long burst, how can you fire with all your weapons overcharged ?
Why would you have your cargo full of gold in an hazardous ? Were you mining or you just wanted to kill yourself ?
Well it was an idea I had during the last bounty hunting CG in Fedmich. I always have to fly around looking for them, one of them said "Next time fill your hold with gold". Good idea! So I did and now they all come to me. No more flying around looking for bounties. It worked out quite well during that event because I would wing up with the people there and we all just sat at the drop in point killing anything that had the gall to shoot first.
Thanks to your passenger method I was able to get a large amount of credits and pass my exploration rank to ELITE
- Oxidire
And not a moment too soon. They just removed all the passenger missions due to a bug. I expect to see a major nerf as well.
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And not a moment too soon. They just removed all the passenger missions due to a bug. I expect to see a major nerf as well.
- Sinxar
Big congratulations Oxidire on the rank. Im glad I got it too, as I think your right about the nerf. Those sight-seeing missions made the rank a bit too easy. What was the bug?
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